Friday, 17 June 2011

9 frame analysis. Daniel Smith

Shot one- This shot establishes the narrative of the music video it also works as a meat shot showing a close up of band members. This also seems an odd shot to begin the video's narrative with as it seems more appropriate to finish the video with.

Shot two- Here a medium long shot show another band member, this shot also works as a meat shot. This shot is in deep focus so that the focus of the shot is on the band members and not on the wreckage .

Shot three- A close-up shot is used here and another clear example of a meat shot. This shot blends narrative with performance, as the artist is singing the lyrics of the song and walks throughout a dusty desert environment. This shot also show the performer without the cuts and bruises he acquired  in the car accident suggesting that this took place before that event.

Shot four- In this shot the narrative reflects the lyrics, as an over the shoulder shot reveals a woman, who is being described in the lyrics of the song.

Shot five- A long shot then shows a band member as he plays a guitar, here the video blends narrative and performance. He is performing in the same location as the other character, which is different  to most music videos as they are usually shown performing in a studio location or a more abstract location.

Shot six- Here a medium long shot which also serves as also serves as a meat shot . In this shot we see the same man who has been walking for most of the video in a car with his friends. In this shot it becomes apparent that these events have taken place before the car accident. This shot help to advance the narrative a great deal.

Shot seven- A long shot pulls out from the car which been driving so that the audience is able to see the full impact of the explosion, this fills in another gap in the narrative.

Shot eight- Here a close up shot shows a musician as he plays a guitar, these types of shots break up the video so that the audience does not get bored or sick of it. They are also used so they are able to get many shots of the whole band.

Shot nine- In this shot the backdrop which has been seen in most of the video and was quite obviously not real, it moves away as though it was a feel reel. The performer remains on screen and reaches out arms as though to try and keep hold of the viewer.

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